
How to take care of dry and brittle hair

 Dry and brittle hair

Many people of different races suffer from multiple problems related to hair health, everyone wants healthy and beautiful hair, but the hair may become dry and brittle, then the hair is described as damaged. Hair is affected by several tours, such as poor nutrition, frequent washing, frequent use of hair treatments such as dye, and many others, and dry hair usually leads to breakage, and it is clear at the ends of the hair ends as they look as if they are broken, from which short, unhealthy tufts branch. Fortunately, several ways and tips help treat damaged hair, help restore its vitality, and prevent damage.

 Natural recipes to take care of dry and brittle hair

Several natural recipes help brittle hair, including the following:

 egg recipe

Is the egg of food that nourishes dry hair, because it contains a protein necessary, moisturizes hair and strengthens it, and gives it a gloss, so it is a recipe for effective care for dry hair and brittleness, and the way is:


__ Three grains of eggs.

__ Two tablespoons of olive oil.

__ A tablespoon of honey.

__ shower cap.

__ mixing bowl.

 How to prepare:

__ Bring the bowl and put the ingredients inside it.

__ Mix the ingredients well.
__ Apply the mixture to the hair and scalp.

__ Cover the head with a shower cap and leave it on for 30 minutes.
__ Wash hair with cold water and a mild shampoo.

__ Repeat the recipe once a week.

 avocado recipe

Avocado is an important food for hair health because it contains valuable nutrients, it contains protein, essential fatty acids, and vitamins A, E, and D, and therefore it is a great recipe for stimulating hair growth and nourishing it, and the method is :

__ A ripe avocado.

__ Two tablespoons of olive oil.

__ Two tablespoons of coconut oil.

__ mixing bowl.

 How to prepare:

__ Bring the bowl and put the ingredients inside it.

__ Mash the avocado well and mix it with the rest of the ingredients.

__ Apply the mixture to the hair, avoiding the roots.

__ Leave the mixture on the hair for at least 30 minutes.

__ Wash hair with water and shampoo as usual.

__ Repeat the recipe regularly weekly, or two or three times a month.

 Argan oil recipe

Argan oil contains many nutrients that protect hair and keep it in good health, such as antioxidants, vitamins A, C, E, and omega-6 fatty acids, and the method is:


__ 4 to 5 drops of pure argan oil.

 How to prepare:

__ Put drops of argan oil in the palm and rub the hands together.

__ Hands are placed directly on the scalp and hair.

__ Leave the oil on the hair for an hour or two, or even overnight.

__ Wash hair as usual.

__ Repeat the recipe once or twice a week.

 garlic recipe

Garlic helps protect the scalp from diseases, due to its anti-fungal and antioxidant properties, and thus protects hair from damage, and the method is:


__ 6 to 7 cloves of garlic.

__ 100 ml of coconut oil or olive oil.

__ suitable bowl.

 How to prepare:

__ Chop the garlic cloves, put them in the bowl, and pour the oil over the chopped garlic.

__ Close the container well and store it in a cool, dry place for a week.

__ Put garlic oil on the hair and scalp and leave it for an hour.

__ Wash hair as usual.

__ Repeat the recipe at least once a week.

 Factors that cause dry and brittle hair

Several factors cause hair to become dry and brittle, and thus damage it, including the following:

__ some diseases.

__ Direct exposure to chlorinated water.

__ Malnutrition.

__ Washing the hair excessively.

__ Excessive use of strong hair products on it.

__ Excessive use of heat styling tools.

__ Lack of hair hydration.

__ sleeping on cotton pillows.

__ Hair treatments like dye.

__ Excessive exposure to harmful sunlight.

 Tips to prevent dry and brittle hair

Several combined tips are recommended to be followed to prevent hair from drying out and splitting, including the following:

 Avoid harsh hair products on it:

It is very important not to use hair products, which contain harmful chemicals, such as sulfates and silicone, because of their effect on damaging and splitting hair, and instead, it is preferable to use natural ingredients, as they protect and maintain hair such as Coconut oil, argan oil.

 Hair drying:

It is not recommended to dry the hair, with thermal hair dryers; This is because the heat works to damage it and damage it, so it is preferable to let the hair dry alone in the air.

 Avoid harmful hair accessories:

It is never recommended to use hair accessories, which cause damage to it, such as rubber bands and others that depend on the principle of pulling and pulling the hair, which causes splitting and damage.

 Avoid hair treatments:

are advised not to expose hair treatments, which depend in composition on harmful chemicals, such as pigments, and can instead use henna as a component of natural-colored hair, and maintains health at the same time, also you should avoid the process of bleaching hair, as they cause significant damage for him.

Washing and caring for hair:

It is recommended to wash the hair once every two or three days, and if the hair is very dry, it is recommended to wash it once a week, and it is never recommended to dry the hair by rubbing it vigorously, as this would cause a lot of tangles, and make it vulnerable. For split ends, it is recommended to use a towel made of natural fibers, and gently dry it to help remove moisture from it, and it is also recommended to avoid combing the hair while it is wet; Because this causes weakness, and a wide-toothed comb must be used to help detangle if any. It is also very important to use a good conditioner that contains protein in its composition, as it can provide protection for the hair and prevent breakage.

 Cutting the ends of the hair:

is desirable to cut the ends of the hair every once in a while, especially if the hair contains split ends, as it is necessary to cut these ends once every few months, as this strengthens the hair and makes it healthy.

 Wearing a swimming cap:

is recommended to wear a swimming cap, to protect the hair from chlorinated pool water, which causes it to dry out.

 Protecting the hair from the sun's rays:

recommended not to over-expose the hair to the harmful rays of the sun; As it helps to make it dry, it is preferable to use some means that protect it from its rays, such as wearing hats and scarves.

Eating healthy foods:

To maintain the health of the hair, attention must be paid to the quality of the food consumed, so that it can moisturize the hair and prevent its dehydration, such as eating fresh fruits and vegetables.

 Making hair masks:

is recommended to make hair masks consisting of useful oils, which will provide hydration and prevent dryness.
