
How to take care of and lengthen nails

_nail care

Having healthy and pleasant nails is not something that is meant for girls only, but men should also take care that their nails are healthy and strong; Thanks to the importance of the appearance of nails, and their great influence in making a sincere impression when meeting others, especially the first encounter, and thus the undeniable fact that the majority of people prefer shaking hands with clean and healthy nails rather than shaking hands. hands with dirty, broken nails and do not have any neat appearance; For this reason, nails must be taken care of and included in the daily routine care list.

__How to order nail care and lengthening. General tips for nail care and lengthening

Many things are recommended to be followed to ensure the care of nails, and stimulate their growth, including:

* Take biotin supplements.

* Eating tons of food sources rich in vitamin B7, because it helps stimulate the expansion of nails, prolong their strength, and strengthen them, and many foods greatly contain this vitamin, including [2] barley, corn, egg yolk, milk, avocado, and broccoli. Cheese, fish, and chicken.

* Minimize exposure of nails to water.

* Avoid exposing nails to harsh cleaners and other chemicals.

* Exposing the body to a warm climate.

* National Berda nails in one direction once every week or whenever broken or flaked.

*file the nails into an oval shape; It stays more powerful like this.

*Moisturize the nails daily.

*Stop biting your nails.

*applying a layer of colored or non-colored nail enamel; because it provides a layer of protection for the nails, and contributes to strengthening them.

__Natural recipes for nail care and lengthening

Many natural recipes help lookout at nails and stimulate their growth, including:

*Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil helps promote healthy nails. Because it contains tons of nutrients necessary for the nails, which moisturize and strengthen them effectively, additionally to the present, copra oil contributes greatly to the treatment of the many problems that the nails could also be exposed to, like infections, or fungi. the tactic is:

_the ingredients:

*A quarter cup of copra oil.

*A quarter of a cup of honey.

*Four drops of rosemary oil

_How to prepare:

*Mix all ingredients well.

*Heat the mixture in the microwave for 20 seconds.

*Soak nails during this mixture for a quarter-hour.

*Repeat this recipe once or twice hebdomadally.


Hands and nails are often massaged with warm coconut oil in circular motions. to stimulate blood circulation, this recipe is repeated on just one occasion each day before getting to sleep.

_Orange juice:

orange juice in large amounts very contains vitamin C, which successively promotes the assembly of collagen, thus making healthy, strong nails, additionally to vitamin C, fruit juice also contains vitamin Bc ( in English: Folic Acid), which helps greatly Nail growth and extension. the tactic is:


A quantity of fresh fruit juice.

_How to prepare:

*Soak nails in fruit juice for a minimum of 10 minutes.

*Wash nails with warm water and dry them.

*A quite moisturizing cream is applied to the nails.

*Repeat this recipe on just one occasion daily; to urge the specified result.

*Flaxseed oil:

Flaxseed oil is one of the effective recipes for exciting the expansion of nails and caring for them. this is often because it contains very large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, and it also contains other nutrients such as B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, lecithin, zinc, and protein, which are considered All of them are essential elements to market healthy nails, additionally to the present, linseed oil helps treat nail problems like breakage, dryness, and brittleness. the tactic is:


A sufficient amount of linseed oil.

How to prepare:

*Massage your nails with a linseed oil well for a couple of minutes.

*It is preferable to wear gloves for a couple of hours; to retain moisture within the nails.

*Repeat this recipe once or twice daily.

_Factors affecting nail growth

Several factors are suffering from the nails, and cause making their growth slower, or faster than the overall rate of their natural growth, including:


The rate of nail growth is claimed to be age. The more an individual advances in age, the slower their growth. When an individual is young, the expansion of his nails is stimulated faster; this is often thanks to the change in the rate of blood circulation with age.

* Hormones:

Some hormones within the body affect the speed of nail growth, when the extent of estrogen and progesterone increases within the body of a pregnant woman, as an example, this successively leads to an increase in the expansion of her nails, while the expansion rate decreases within the postpartum infancy stage, and it also increases The rapid growth of nails in males and females alike, and reaches its peak in adulthood; this is often actually because the hormones within the body rise significantly at this stage, then begin to mention no with age.

* Public health:

The health status of the body affects the speed of nail growth, as some chronic diseases are often inferred from the shape of the nails or the speed at which they grow.

*Cut nails :

You may cut the nails occasionally to stimulate blood circulation, this successively helps promote their growth and increase the f-note.

Benefits of olive oil for hair
