I'm in my ninth month: I need all kinds of balance, especially eating

 It's the ninth month, and you feel like your baby is always on the move like he's telling you to get ready, Mama, I'm coming! Because even though you know about the due date, you can give birth at any time during the ninth month. It is a moment that brings with it a lot of joy and some fear of that next stage. But the sure thing is the longing to hold your baby in your arms and hold his little hands is bigger and more wonderful than any other feeling in the world, and it overpowers everything. While you are preparing the rest of the needs, you must maintain your interest and commitment to healthy nutrition, as your baby is growing rapidly during the last four weeks. 

Therefore, balance, diversification, and good quality food in your diet are what you need most now. 

I have gained 12 kgs so far, is this above average?

It is normal to expect to gain about half a kilo per week. If your baby is born at the end of the ninth month, you will have gained a total of 14 kg from the first pregnancy until now. 
And if your build was average before pregnancy, this means that this increase is within the normal range, which is between 11-15 kg.

Here are some important points that summarize proper nutrition during pregnancy:

  • Divide your daily meals into five to six snacks, instead of three large meals that may make you feel a bit irritated. You mustn't leave yourself without food for long periods.
  • Eat sources of calcium such as low-fat milk and its derivatives to maintain the health of your bones, and the presence of milk is important for the formation of milk to breastfeed your child in the coming weeks.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to reduce the water retention in your body that you may feel during this month, more than at any other time.
  • Reduce high-fat, fried, and sweet foods, so that you do not gain weight in the form of unwanted fats. 
  • On the other hand, these foods are high in calories and low in nutrients, so they will not nourish you and your fetus. 
  •  In addition, it may cause you to feel a burning sensation.
  • On the other hand, enjoy sources of healthy fats such as nuts and seeds in moderate quantities.
  • Eat more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber that will help you avoid constipation.
  • Reduce salt and salty foods in general, such as canned foods, nuts, pickles, and chips, to avoid water retention in the body.
  • Replace white bread with brown or whole wheat bread because of its vitamins, minerals, and healthy fibers.
  • Eat protein sources regularly such as meat, milk and its derivatives, eggs, and legumes such as chickpeas, lentils, and beans. 
  • And remember that meat, legumes, and green leafy vegetables also provide you with iron to avoid iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy.
  •  Eat fish rich in healthy omega-3 fats that your fetus needs for a healthy brain. 
  • These fish include salmon and mackerel.
  •  Make sure to take the vitamin and mineral supplements prescribed for you by your doctor. 
  •  At the same time, change your diet to ensure that you get these vitamins and minerals naturally.
  •  Avoid eating any kind of raw or semi-cooked meat or unpasteurized cheese, as they contain bacteria that may harm the health of the fetus. 

It is said that walking is very beneficial for pregnant women, is this true?

Yes, walking relieves your feeling of bloating, constipation, and acidity, and also prepares you for childbirth, which becomes easier for you!
From now on, the days and hours start to run faster than you imagined as if she too longs to meet your beloved child! So enjoy this period as much as possible and take advantage of it to be more healthy, happy, and full of healthy foods and light physical activity, to make the next stage easier for you. 

And of course, your body is nutritionally ready for birth and breastfeeding. 

With our best wishes for your safety, health, and happiness.

For pregnant women only.. this is how you can prevent your child from schizophrenia

 It's the ninth month, and you feel like your baby is always on the move like he's telling you to get ready, Mama, I'm coming! Because even though you know about the due date, you can give birth at any time during the ninth month. It is a moment that brings with it a lot of joy and some fear of that next stage. But the sure thing is the longing to hold your baby in your arms and hold his little hands is bigger and more wonderful than any other feeling in the world, and it overpowers everything. While you are preparing the rest of the needs, you must maintain your interest and commitment to healthy nutrition, as your baby is growing rapidly during the last four weeks. 

Therefore, balance, diversification, and good quality food in your diet are what you need most now. 

I have gained 12 kgs so far, is this above average?

It is normal to expect to gain about half a kilo per week. If your baby is born at the end of the ninth month, you will have gained a total of 14 kg from the first pregnancy until now. 
And if your build was average before pregnancy, this means that this increase is within the normal range, which is between 11-15 kg.

Here are some important points that summarize proper nutrition during pregnancy:

  • Divide your daily meals into five to six snacks, instead of three large meals that may make you feel a bit irritated. You mustn't leave yourself without food for long periods.
  • Eat sources of calcium such as low-fat milk and its derivatives to maintain the health of your bones, and the presence of milk is important for the formation of milk to breastfeed your child in the coming weeks.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to reduce the water retention in your body that you may feel during this month, more than at any other time.
  • Reduce high-fat, fried, and sweet foods, so that you do not gain weight in the form of unwanted fats. 
  • On the other hand, these foods are high in calories and low in nutrients, so they will not nourish you and your fetus. 
  •  In addition, it may cause you to feel a burning sensation.
  • On the other hand, enjoy sources of healthy fats such as nuts and seeds in moderate quantities.
  • Eat more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber that will help you avoid constipation.
  • Reduce salt and salty foods in general, such as canned foods, nuts, pickles, and chips, to avoid water retention in the body.
  • Replace white bread with brown or whole wheat bread because of its vitamins, minerals, and healthy fibers.
  • Eat protein sources regularly such as meat, milk and its derivatives, eggs, and legumes such as chickpeas, lentils, and beans. 
  • And remember that meat, legumes, and green leafy vegetables also provide you with iron to avoid iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy.
  •  Eat fish rich in healthy omega-3 fats that your fetus needs for a healthy brain. 
  • These fish include salmon and mackerel.
  •  Make sure to take the vitamin and mineral supplements prescribed for you by your doctor. 
  •  At the same time, change your diet to ensure that you get these vitamins and minerals naturally.
  •  Avoid eating any kind of raw or semi-cooked meat or unpasteurized cheese, as they contain bacteria that may harm the health of the fetus. 

It is said that walking is very beneficial for pregnant women, is this true?

Yes, walking relieves your feeling of bloating, constipation, and acidity, and also prepares you for childbirth, which becomes easier for you!
From now on, the days and hours start to run faster than you imagined as if she too longs to meet your beloved child! So enjoy this period as much as possible and take advantage of it to be more healthy, happy, and full of healthy foods and light physical activity, to make the next stage easier for you. 

And of course, your body is nutritionally ready for birth and breastfeeding. 

With our best wishes for your safety, health, and happiness.

For pregnant women only.. this is how you can prevent your child from schizophrenia

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