
For pregnant women only The 20 best foods for your baby's health!


Useful healthy food is very important for the health of the pregnant mother and her fetus, the nutrients obtained by the fetus during pregnancy, their effect remain with him throughout its life, so the pregnant mother must pay attention to healthy nutrition to preserve her health and the health of her fetus in the future.
Here are 20 types of the best #foods that a pregnant mother should eat during this crucial period in her child's life, according to the "Boldsky" website on health, as follows:

1- pomegranate

A recent study confirmed that pomegranate juice helps the fetus grow better and limits premature birth problems. This juice is rich in potassium, vitamin K, vitamin C, iron, and fiber, which is characterized by its ability to raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

2- Nuts

Nuts such as almonds, cashews, walnuts, peanuts, pistachios, and others contain fats, proteins, fiber, vitamins, and minerals necessary for the body, which also prevents premature birth.

3- black raisins

It is recommended to soak a handful of it overnight in a little water and take it in the morning on an empty stomach. It also eliminates the digestive problems that a pregnant woman always faces

4- beets

Beetroot has many benefits, especially for pregnant women. It purifies the blood and boosts the iron level, which prevents the pregnant woman from developing anemia that negatively affects the fetus. It also regulates the metabolism by improving the digestion process, in addition to it prevents the swelling of the extremities caused by fluid retention in the body.

5- dates

Dates are one of the best sources of iron for the body, and they provide the necessary fiber, which prevents constipation during pregnancy.

6- Banana

Eating bananas daily helps to avoid constipation throughout pregnancy, as no better fruit than it contributes to the digestion of food, and it also contains an abundant amount of potassium, which helps to get rid of intestinal cramps during pregnancy. Also, eating bananas in the morning regularly improves the annoying symptoms of the first 3 months of pregnancy, such as nausea, dizziness, and others.

7- Orange

In addition to being one of the best sources of vitamin C, oranges contain 90% water, which provides the required hydration for the body and thus protects against nausea and vomiting.

8- Dried figs

Helps in the good growth of the placenta in the good formation of the fetus, and the zinc present in figs is necessary for the formation of the DNA of the fetus and the growth of its tissues

9- Salmon

Eating two to three meals of salmon per week is sufficient to obtain the necessary nutrients for the fetus, as it helps in the formation of the eyes and brain of the fetus properly.

10- Eggs

The choline component in eggs promotes the health of the fetus’s brain in the womb, as it contains proteins, amino acids, and some healthy fats that support the development of the child. However, it is recommended to cook eggs well before eating them to prevent salmonella poisoning.

11- Yogurt

One cup of yogurt contains more calcium than milk, in addition to proteins and folic acid, which are essential for the growth of the child.

12- Broccoli and green leafy vegetables

Doctors recommend eating broccoli and leafy vegetables, to avoid any abnormalities in the fetal spine or brain. Folic acid found in asparagus, broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, and others treats abnormalities that may affect the fetus during its formation.

13- Lentils

The folic acid present in lentils helps in the development of the fetus's brain and nervous system during the first three months, in addition to containing abundant amounts of iron, proteins, and vitamin B6.

14- sweet red pepper

One red bell pepper contains 3 times more vitamin C than an orange, and it also contains beta-carotene and vitamin B6, which are bitter and promote fetal development.

15- Avocado

Avocado is one of the fruits rich in folic acid, which is very necessary for the growth of the fetus in the womb. It is also rich in iron and fiber, which are very important for the mother and fetus.

16- red meat

Lean red meat is a good source of high-quality protein, which helps in the good development of the fetus, in addition to containing abundant amounts of iron, which enhances the delivery of oxygen to the fetus's brain.

17- All kinds of berries

Berries contain vitamins and minerals that are very necessary for mothers and infants, the ellagic acid found in berries has anti-cancer properties, and some types of berries also contain vitamin C, which helps in strengthening the immune system of the expectant mother.

18- sweet potato

Sweet potatoes contain an abundant amount of beta-carotene, which the body converts to the necessary vitamin A, and it also contains fiber that improves digestion and reduces high blood sugar.

19- mango

Many women suffer from leg cramps during pregnancy, due to their heavy body weight, and to avoid this, it is recommended to eat mango as it is rich in magnesium, which eliminates muscle cramps.

20- Water

Dehydration may lead to the risk of premature birth, so the pregnant woman should drink plenty of pure water daily, up to twice the consumption of the average person.
