
what causes hair loss in teenage girl

Here is the now vital information about hair growth cycles, causes of hair loss in women, and things to avoid.
The causes of hair loss in women are many: sometimes there could even be a disturbance within n the natural growth cycles of hair, also as there are factors that can hinder its growth and cause its loss, like taking certain medications, pollution, stress, and anxiety.
Although it's commonly believed that hair loss may be a problem for men only, the ladies are almost adequate to men, as the occurrence of hair loss, and injury chances of osteoporosis hair than on.
Most women notice this phenomenon within the period between the ages of 45-60, but actually, hair loss can occur at any age, and for countless possible causes.

__ hair loss signs

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, most people lose 50-100 hairs a day on days when hair is washed, we'll lose up to 250 hairs. Washing shouldn't be avoided to preserve the hair, because it will eventually fall out anyway.
For people who don't plan to count their hair each day, there are easy ways to tell when hair is thinning or rupturing too frequently.
You should concentrate on the small details:

* once you rise in the morning - is there an outsized amount of hair on your pillow?

* When combing hair - does the hair fall out quite usually?

* There also are other external signals which will be searched for over time, except for women, detecting them is harder.

In contrast to men, who can notice hair loss on the top and therefore the occurrence of baldness, in women, the phenomenon of hair thinning usually appears within the upper third to the center of the scalp.

Sometimes the forehead line remains unchanged, and hair thinning or baldness could also be observed when hair is combed in a way that the hair is pulled back.

__ Hair loss diagnosis stage

When a lady complains of hair loss, one of the subsequent actions is typically taken:
* it's first sent for examination within the laboratory. Blood tests attempt to determine the medical problem because sometimes an autoimmune disorder or thyroid problem is one of the causes of severe hair loss.
* Diagnose the matter of hair loss by examining the patient's medical record. Enquire about: the patient's mother, aunts, grandmothers, etc., and determine if they need similar amounts of hair.

_ What about the fox?

Androgenetic alopecia, also liable for 95% of all male pattern baldness, may be a genetic condition that affects many women worldwide.
This is one of the foremost common causes of hair loss in women, and it occurs in about half of the women that suffer from hair loss.
Although this phenomenon mainly occurs within the late 50s or 60s, it can appear at any age, even during adolescence.
In the normal mode, whenever a follicle falls out it's replaced by hair of equal size. In women that suffer from hair loss, the new hair that grows is soft and thin - a mini version of itself.
Hair follicles shrink and eventually stop growing completely.

__ Causes of hair loss

If the hair follicles are uniform in size or if hair loss is sudden, it can happen for a reason aside from genetics, such as an existing medical condition. There is an honest range of conditions that can cause hair loss, including:
* pregnancy.
* Thyroid disorders.
* Anemia.
* Autoimmune diseases.
*Polycystic ovary syndrome.
* Skin diseases like psoriasis and dermatitis.
* Severe hair loss also often occurs during menopause.

Other causes of hair loss include:

* extreme pressure
* Physical trauma like surgery or a significant 
* a pointy decrease in weight during a short period of your time.
* And taking an overdose of vitamin A.
* Also different hairstyles like braids or very thin braids.
* and everyone the opposite cosmetic treatments - hair coloring, chemical treatments.
* Using hairdryers and hair straighteners - will damage hair breakage and hair loss.
* Even an easy process like towel drying the hair a touch bluntly can cause hair loss.
Fortunately, in most cases, hair grows back with or without medical treatment. In the case of worrying hair loss, it's preferable to consult a dermatologist who will begin the method of diagnosis and treatment if necessary.

__ hair growth stages

Hair grows in three different cycles:
1/ Anagen phase or growth phase: About 90% of head hair is during this phase, which lasts from 2 to eight years.
2/ Catagen, or transitional phase: it always takes about 2-3 weeks, during which era the hair follicles shrink.
3/ The last telogen phase: lasts about 2-4 months, and the hair is resting.
Most of the hair on the scalp is in continuous growth, while about 10% of the hair on the top is at rest at any given time.
It should be noted that hair grows at a rate of 6 cm a year.
