
Benefits of cold water in the shower

Benefits of taking a cold shower

1 body activity and increased blood flow

2 Activates and strengthens the heart muscle

3 treatments for breast cancer patients. A German study showed that those who underwent cold water treatment for four weeks had increased levels of disease resistance.

4- It reduces pain because it helps the body to secrete the pain-relieving hormone endorphins

5 Improves mood, activates sensory nerves in the brain, reduces psychological stress, and relieves depression, by increasing the production of several chemical compounds in the body and brain.

6 - Activating the process of losing body weight: The effect of showering with cold water is scientifically attributed to the loss of body weight as a result of activating the work of cells in brown adipose tissue.

7- Alerts the nervous system, which helps speed reactions

8 Increasing the activity of the thyroid gland, which helps in the speed of metabolism and the production of alternative energy-depleted inactivity, which delays the appearance and feeling of fatigue

9- Activate the pancreas gland and increase the secretion of the hormone insulin in the blood, which helps to accelerate the burning of sugar in the blood

10- Strengthening the immune system and resisting diseases: We find that healthy elderly people in "China" bathe en masse in cold lakes that reach the freezing point, increasing their bodies' immunity and improving the performance of their internal organs. . It was stronger in cooling, stiffness and body density 

11- Reducing body bloating, accelerating the demise of muscle pain, and increasing the level of mental awareness

12 Tighten the skin, prevent wrinkles, and improve the level of freshness of the skin and hair by preserving the fatty substances secreted by the skin to maintain the freshness of the skin and hair and maintain the activity of the work of the sebaceous glands and reduce the effect of water temperature on the layer of the skin and the fatty layer that covers the hair

13 Stimulating fertility activity in men, because bathing in cold water increases testosterone production in men. Increase levels of testosterone, the male sex hormone, to boost desire, increase energy, and stimulate muscle and bone growth

Therapeutic regimen:-

To get the benefits of cold water, turn on the cold water, then start with your feet, then hands, then face, scalp, the front part of the body, then lower back.


Do not try to use cold water for treatment if you have a terminal illness, such as severe back pain

Atherosclerosis and high blood pressure

Disadvantages of washing with very hot water:

The scholar Ibn Sina, may God have mercy on him, says: “Hot water drains the body's forces,” meaning that it weakens the body, makes it tired, and increases the acidity of the blood, which increases the chances of infection. diseases.
