
How to get rid of a cold in one day


One of the common symptoms of influenza and colds is a stuffy nose and colds, and colds and flu are more common in the winter, especially during the transition between seasons, and colds occur due to infections in the blood vessels in the nose, causing difficulty breathing and inability to sleep. Of course, in this article, we will learn a way to get rid of a cold in one day with natural and home remedies.

The common cold is known in the English language as “the common cold” and it is a type of viral infection that affects the upper respiratory tract, especially the throat and nose, and it is possible for individuals of all age groups to catch a cold, but the most vulnerable to colds are children under the age of six. For years, it is difficult to count the viruses that cause colds because their number is very large, and the common cold is often treated because their number is very large, and the cold is often treated from a week to ten days, and cold may last more than this period for smokers, but cold may persist More than this period for smokers, but it is recommended to referrals to the guardians of the hierarchy Colds fall under several names, which we mention in the following lines:
  • Coming cold or cold to the head.
  • Viral rhinitis.
  • Acute viral nasopharyngitis.
  • severe cold
  • Nasopharyngitis or nasopharyngitis.
There are many symptoms of the common cold, which we mention in the following lines:
  • Symptoms of the common cold appear two to three days after infection with a viral infection, and usually last from ten sluggishness to ten slanderers to ten slants to ten viral slanders, and usually lasts from ten to ten slays to ten

    The patient has a cold with a sore throat.

  • The patient feels cold in his head. 
  • The patient feels pain in the muscles. 
  • The body temperature of a patient with a cold rises.
  • Coughing and sneezing increase when a patient has a cold.
  • A patient with a cold loses the sense of smell and taste. 
  • A patient with a cold loses the sense of smell and taste. A cold patient feels pressure in the face and ears.
The treatment of a cold in one day is not available, but self-care and taking nutritional supplements can help shorten the duration of the disease, and among the most important tips to get rid of a cold we mention the following:
  • Take vitamin C, as studies have shown that taking vitamin C supplements helps reduce the duration of colds and the severity of colds.
  • Get enough rest when you have a cold The risk of catching cold increases when the body does not get enough sleep each day.
  • Consuming beetroot juice, as it is rich in dietary nitrates, increases the production of nitric oxide in the body, which protects against infections in the respiratory tract.
  • Eating a spoonful of natural honey before bed relieves cough, helps sleep, and soothes the throat.
  • Take decongestants, pain relievers, and cough suppressants.
  • Excessive consumption of hot drinks such as chicken soup, tea, and other herbal drinks reduces the severity of colds, reduces congestion, and improves breathing.
  • Refrain from consuming alcohol and caffeine, as they cause dehydration and prolong illness. 
  • Getting enough rest provides the opportunity for a faster recovery.
  • Set the room temperature and keep it well-ventilated so that it should be warm and not too hot.
  • Properly inhaling steam promotes control of symptoms associated with a cold. The process of inhaling steam is done by sitting in the bathroom with the door closed and opening the warm water tap until the bathroom is filled with rising steam.
  • Drinking warm drinks and gargling with a solution of water and salt without swallowing it, all of these methods relieve the sore throat associated with a cold.
  • Reducing nasal congestion and some of the symptoms associated with colds through the use of saline nose drops available in pharmacies that do not require a prescription.
  • Use a moisturizing cream and moisturize the area around the nose, and soft tissues should be used when sneezing because the nasal area is irritated when suffering from a cold.
  • Massaging the chest area with steam massage improves the breathing process better.
  • Refrain from smoking because it harms the respiratory system and causes serious health problems. 
Some of the following methods can be followed to get rid of a cold and stuffy nose effectively without the need for medications by following the following:
  • Inhaling water vapor: This is an easy and quick way to get rid of a cold and stuffy nose at home. It is safe and suitable for pregnant women. Hot water is placed in a deep bowl and ginger, green tea, or chamomile tea is added to the hot water to double the effect of steam, and then the head is covered. From the back with a towel, then inhale the rising steam, and take care not to get too close to the hot water so as not to cause damage to the skin, and this process is repeated two or three times a day.
  • Washing the nose with a salt solution is recommended by doctors and is considered a mucus solvent, and the way to prepare it at home is easy, as two tablespoons of salt are mixed in a cup of warm sterile water and the solution is placed in a syringe or a drop and is used to wash the nose three times a day, this solution helps reduce inflammation Blood vessels.
  • Taking a warm shower, the water vapor thins the mucus in the nose and relieves inflammation of the blood vessels.
  • Drink plenty of natural fluids, especially water and hot drinks such as anise or lemon drink with honey, as well as soups and natural juices. Increased hydration of the body by taking these drinks reduces the viscosity of mucus, facilitates its exit from the nose, and helps treat congestion.
  • Putting warm compresses on the nose area helps soothe a sore nose.
  • Eating raw garlic as a natural antibiotic contributes to killing bacteria that cause colds and coughs and treats so three cloves of garlic are taken with water daily. 
  • Elevating the head during sleep by sleeping on an extra pillow than usual, contributes to opening the nasal passages and preventing a stuffy nose, and it is an effective way to prevent difficulty breathing.
  • Inhale the smell of onions by cutting an onion in half and smell the onion smell for four minutes. A piece of onion can also be left next to the bed. It helps sleep and open the nose. Have a drink consisting of a cup of hot water with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar sweetened with honey and taken before bed.
  • Inhale the fragrance of camphor oil or eucalyptus oil available at the perfumer, by immersing a piece of cotton in four drops of the oil and inhaling its fragrance for ten minutes.
Home remedies for a cold can be followed quickly by following the following:
  • Clean the nose frequently using clean, soft, fragrance-free tissues.
  • Follow the steps for correctly cleaning the nose by pressing one nostril with the finger and emptying the other nostril, then follow this step with the second nostril, then wash the hands with soap and water well after cleaning the nose.
  • Maintaining body comfort and sleeping enough during the day and avoiding strenuous daily chores, as this strengthens the immune system, which makes the body fight disease, and a blanket should be placed over the body to keep the body warm.
  • Gargling with a solution of water and salt four times a day. It is also possible to gargle with Hafs tea, as it is an effective antiviral and relieves pain because it contains gallic acid.
  • Eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals, especially citrus fruits because they are rich in vitamin C, has been scientifically proven to reduce the duration of the disease.
  • Eat foods rich in zinc. It is preferable not to use zinc-rich nasal sprays because they lose the sense of smell. It is preferable to eat natural sources rich in zinc found in lean meat, fish, whole wheat, and legumes.
  • Be sure to drink warm drinks such as chicken soup with some vegetables added to it, as this strengthens the immune system in the body, and drinking ginger enhances the body's immunity by cutting fresh ginger and putting it in boiling water, and eating it reduces coughing and calms the throat area.
  • drink a cup of tea and Help relieve sore throat and cough, as honey contains effective anti-microbial properties. 
  • Eat foods rich in probiotics.
  • Take a glass of warm milk with a little ginger and turmeric powder added to it. 
Symptoms associated with a cold can be controlled by following these steps:
  • Providing adequate rest to the body by taking enough rest and absenteeism from school or work to sufficient energy so that the body can fight and control viruses that cause infection.
  • Sleep at night and for sufficient hours, and naps during the day should be taken several times. Scientific studies have proven that lack of sleep causes a weakness in the immune system, which makes the body lose its ability to fight viruses.
  • Drinking large amounts of fluids, especially water, because it contributes to getting rid of mucus more quickly, reduces the feeling of congestion, and prevents some of the symptoms accompanying the cold, such as headaches and fatigue that occur due to dehydration of the body.
  • The necessity of rinsing the mouth or gargling with salt water is because it limits the buildup of mucus.
  • Drinking hot tea and warm drinks to prevent cold symptoms such as fatigue and tiredness, and reduce sore throat.
  • Taking over-the-counter medicines and following the instructions attached to the package, such as pain-relieving medicines, fever-reducing medicines, special medicines for the treatment of colds, and anti-congestion medicines that help shrink the blood vessels in the nose, which help open the air passages, and expectorant and expectorant medicines can also help To dissolve phlegm, anti-allergic drugs can be taken that reduce sneezing and runny nose. 
There are many natural ways and recipes for treating a cold, including the following:
  • Water and salt solution: This recipe can be prepared easily by placing a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and stirring the solution well until the salt is completely dissolved, then put the solution in a drop and drip the nose with the solution.
  • Drink a glass of fresh lemon juice or fresh orange juice, as they contain vitamin C, which boosts the immune system in the body, making the body more resistant to viruses.
  • Eating a hot soup prepared from meat helps in strengthening the body.
  • Take two tablespoons of honey with four finely chopped fresh garlic cloves and take the recipe on an empty stomach before breakfast. It is also recommended to add garlic to the food that is eaten in all meals.
  • Mix two tablespoons of nigella with two cups of water and boil the mixture over medium heat, then sweeten the drink with a tablespoon of honey and take it.

  • - We take a cup of soaked fresh thyme, so that an appropriate amount of fresh green thyme is placed in a cup of boiling water and left for seven minutes until it becomes warm, then drink and the drink can be sweetened with natural honey. Drink two cups of celery decoction daily. Have a glass of tamarind juice in the morning and another glass before bed. Add lemon juice and fresh mint.
