7 simple home ways to whiten teeth naturally


The American " Healthline " website published a report in which it reviewed a group of effective home recipes for naturally whitening teeth at home.

The site said, in its report, which was translated by "Arabi 21", that most people spend a lot of money to get white and beautiful teeth. For example, in 2015 Americans spent more than $11 billion on various medical teeth whitening methods and products. But most whitening products are made with chemicals.

And if you want whiter teeth without using chemicals, there are many natural and safe options, without you having to go to the dentist.

What makes teeth look yellow?

The site indicated that multiple factors cause teeth to lose their whiteness. Some foods can affect the outer layer of the teeth called enamel. The accumulation of plaque on the teeth may change their color from white to yellow.

1. Oil rinsing

The site states that oil rinsing is a traditional Indian folk remedy that aims to improve oral hygiene and remove toxins from the body.

This process is based on rinsing the mouth with oil to remove bacteria that can turn into dental plaque and cause yellowing of the teeth.

 Coconut oil is a good choice due to its good taste and high content of lauric acid, which is known to reduce inflammation and kill bacteria.

In this regard, you should put a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it across your teeth for 15-20 minutes.

And unlike many other teeth whitening methods, coconut oil pulling does not expose your teeth to acid or other enamel-eroding ingredients, which means it's safe to do daily.

2. your teeth with baking soda

The site mentioned that baking soda has natural whitening properties, which is why it is a common ingredient in toothpaste ingredients.

Baking soda creates an alkaline environment in the mouth, which prevents bacteria from growing.

"Science has not proven that brushing with regular baking soda will whiten your teeth, but several studies have indicated that toothpaste containing baking soda has an effective whitening effect," he adds.

To use this remedy, mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of water and brush your teeth. You can do this several times a week.

3. Use hydrogen peroxide

The site states that hydrogen peroxide is a natural bleaching agent that also kills bacteria in the mouth.

He points out that people have used hydrogen peroxide for years to disinfect wounds because of its ability to kill bacteria.

It is noteworthy that one study found that toothpaste that contains baking soda and 1 percent hydrogen peroxide makes teeth significantly whiter. Hinting that there are some questions about whether the use of hydrogen peroxide is safe.

The site noted that excessive use of hydrogen peroxide would cause gum irritation and tooth sensitivity.

"There are also concerns that large doses may cause cancer. One way to apply hydrogen peroxide is to use it as a mouthwash before brushing your teeth. But make sure you use a 1.5 percent or 3 percent solution to avoid side effects," he added.

The site added that hydrogen peroxide can be used by mixing it with baking soda to make toothpaste.

All you have to do is mix one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide with one teaspoon of baking soda and then gently brush your teeth with this mixture. This home remedy should be limited to a few times a week, as overuse can erode tooth enamel.

4. Using apple cider vinegar

The site stated that apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries as a natural cleaning product, as it contains acid that contributes to killing bacteria, which makes it an effective substance for cleaning your mouth and whitening your teeth.

One of the experiments conducted on the teeth of cows showed that apple cider vinegar has a whitening effect, so it can be used as a mouthwash. However, this natural substance should not be used daily as it may lead to softening of the teeth.

5. Eat fruits and vegetables

The site added that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is not only good for your body, but is also an effective cleaner for your teeth.

Although this method is not considered a definitive alternative to brushing teeth, fruits and vegetables can help get rid of limescale build-up on the teeth while chewing.

The site explained that strawberries and pineapples are fruits that help whiten your teeth. A mixture of strawberries and baking soda can make your teeth appear whiter.

The aforementioned mixture is also considered a popular natural bleach for celebrities, as a recent study revealed that this mixture caused a slight change in the color of the teeth compared to industrial whitening products.

The site stated that the fruit of pineapple helps in whitening teeth. A recent study found that toothpaste that contains the enzyme bromelain extracted from pineapple juice is more effective in removing tooth stains than other types.

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6. Preventing tooth stains

The site mentioned that teeth may change color to yellow naturally with age, but some steps may help prevent stains from appearing. Therefore, foods and drinks that stain teeth, such as coffee, red wine, soft drinks, and blackberries, should be reduced.

Moreover, the straw can be used to drink some drinks that are known to affect the color of the teeth.

The site added that you should brush your teeth shortly after eating these foods or drinks to reduce their effect on the color of your teeth, and you should avoid smoking and chewing tobacco and limit your intake of sugars.

It is recommended to consume more calcium-rich foods such as milk, cheese, and cauliflower.

7. The importance of brushing and flossing

The website mentioned that the discoloration of the teeth results mainly from the accumulation of calcareous layers, so the teeth must be brushed and flossed regularly and kept white by reducing the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth and preventing the accumulation of lime.

And he notes that "the teeth must be gently rubbed using a brush and toothpaste and using floss to get rid of all accumulations and food residues."

The site stated that many natural substances such as charcoal and fruit peels may help whiten your teeth, but this does not mean that you should dispense with the products that doctors advise you to use, and this without excessive use of any product that may cause damage to the teeth.
