
Weight loss in three days

_ The three-day diet;

One of the trends that have spread in recent years, and its origin is unknown, and it is important to note that

there is no scientific basis for these low-calorie diets, and it should be noted that the calories provided by this diet may not exceed 1000 calories per day. 

[1] Some claim that the three-day diet helps you lose about 4.5 kilograms, and in fact; This may occur as a result of the significant decrease in the number of calories and carbohydrates in this diet, but most of the lost weight is from water, not from fat.

It is worth noting that when you significantly reduce the calories ingested, the body compensates for the deficiency by slowing down the metabolic processes and entering the starvation stage, which causes muscle loss while retaining fat, and when you return to eating normally, the body continues to store calories in the form of fat; This is because he does not know when he may return to the stage of starvation again.

To lose 0.5 kg of body fat, calories must be reduced by about 500 calories per day for a week, which means a loss of 3,500 calories per week, so losing 4.5 kilograms within 3 days requires a significant reduction in calories equivalent to 35,000 calories, contrary to what is advised. It is recommended to lose weight slowly and steadily, with no more than 0.25-0.5 kilograms per week, otherwise, the body will lose muscle and water, and this loss may cause weak bones.

___The dangers of losing weight quickly

Rapid weight loss increases physical needs; Among the risks of losing weight quickly, we mention the following:

** Gallstone formation; It affects 12-25% of people who lose a lot of weight within a few months.


** Drought; It can be avoided by drinking enough fluids.

**Malnutrition; This usually happens when you don't eat enough protein for weeks in a row.

** imbalance electrolyte; This may be dangerous in some rare cases.

** potential for muscle loss; Although low-calorie diets cause weight loss, much of it is made up of muscle and water.

** The possibility of slowing down the speed of metabolic processes; 

This is due to the loss of muscle when following a low-calorie diet, in addition to the decrease in the hormones responsible for regulating metabolic processes; such as the thyroid hormone.

** increased risk of nutrient deficiencies; 

It is difficult to consume sufficient quantities of nutrients; Such as iron, folate, and vitamin B12 when following a low-calorie diet.

** loss of long-term weight control; 

Because of starting and then stopping dieting frequently.

___Tips to lose weight in a healthy way

to lose weight healthily; A set of tips must be followed, including the following:

___Eat diversified, colorful foods rich in nutrients:

Make sure that half of the meal consists of vegetables and fruits, a quarter of the meal is whole grains, while the last quarter of each meal consists of protein, and you must eat 25-30 grams of dietary fiber per day, Avoid eating trans fats, and reduce consumption of saturated fats.

_ Exercising:  

 Regular exercise is necessary for physical and mental health, and the increase in the frequency of physical activity is beneficial for weight loss, it is advised to slowly and gradually increase the amount and intensity of exercise for people who do not exercise continuously; It helps sports become a part of their lives

_ Eat slowly: 

Eating slowly increases the enjoyment of eating and enhances the feeling of satiety.

_Focus on protein-rich sources: 

This is because protein increases the feeling of satiety, and helps avoid a large rise in blood sugar compared to meals rich in carbohydrates.

_Avoid calorie-rich drinks: The consumption of sweetened drinks; Such as soft drinks, tea, and juices, greatly increases the number of calories consumed, and these calories are known as empty calories; This is because it provides the body with additional calories without any nutritional benefits.

_Adequate sleep: 

Inadequate sleep causes an increase in the hormone responsible for hunger; Which is called ghrelin and reduces the hormone responsible for satiety known as leptin, which may increase the risk of weight gain.

_Drink water: 

it may help to drink water for weight loss; As drinking it before meals may reduce calorie consumption; Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, [9] in a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism in 2003, and conducted on 14 healthy people, it was noted that drinking half a liter of water may increase the rate of burning calories by 30%. 30-40 minutes after drinking water.

_Focus on changing lifestyle: Following a diet may not be beneficial in the long run, but people may gain more weight over time, so focus on proper nutrition of the body, by eating healthy and rich in nutrients rather than focusing on losing weight.


___To learn more about losing weight, read the following article: Lose 10 kilos in a week.

** Example of a diet to lose weight

A person who wants to lose weight must know the calories needed for him daily, which depends on gender, age, and physical activity, and each person has different metabolic processes from others, even if they are similar in size and gender.
