
Penis enlargement and ejaculation delay

  A third of men find their penis small, two-thirds of men are interested in penis enlargement techniques, and 30% will be ready to go to the operating room for a penis enlargement procedure. Improving the size or girth of the penis Also we find a lot of products, hundreds and hundreds of products sold on the Internet are supposed to increase the size or girth of the penis, what are the real techniques that can be relied upon, and what does it work?

The normal size of the penis when erect

 The normal size of an erect penis at rest It took a long time before we got reliable numbers, we asked men to measure it and the same and we had wrong numbers not because the men were lying but because they were wrong or the measurement techniques were not the same anyway

We recently conducted studies showing the average size of an erect penis is about 13 cm on average, but this average should be kept at rest, it is about 8 to 9 cm long, so up to this hour experts have a hard time agreeing Over the minimum size which is considered abnormal globally.

A penis that is less than 7 cm in the resting state and less than 9 or 10 cm in the state of erection should be considered a small penis, and it is important to know if it is just a small penis because when it comes to a small penis of the shapes I have given you from a medical point of view, it should be careful that this is not a reflection of some hormonal abnormality a genetic problem and therefore a man with a penis less than 7 cm it is recommended to consult a doctor or urologist because of the explorations medical treatment will be necessary before being able to provide care.

The psychological effect on men

Some men psychologically complicate their penis, either simply because they imagine that through penis enlargement they will have a more satisfying sex life in any case, the medical recommendations are very clear for a man with a small penis according to the measurements I have given you fall under medical care through Screening and will be able to offer surgical techniques to improve penis size for men It is not recommended Interventions It is not recommended to seek care It makes sense that we do not do surgery, we do not use techniques to improve something that is already normal.

Surgical techniques

Many surgical techniques have been developed but only three of them have been evaluated a little. Without going into medical-surgical techniques, it must be remembered that unfortunately all of these techniques have three drawbacks which are:

  • The result is not 100% reliable and therefore we can operate without actually increasing the size of the penis.
  • When the art and the operation are successful, the penis enlargement is 1 or 1.5 cm on average which can be disappointing for buried men

This is still a  surgical intervention with always the same risk, that infection on the  penis level, you always fear that the  cause of  this intervention is the  risk of impotence  sex my permanent for all these reasons, and you    

Delayed ejaculation

Today we talk about the difficulty in ejaculation or reaching orgasm If  premature ejaculation is 

This difficulty must have been present for at least six months and be related to personal suffering to be considered. Care must be taken that this difficulty can exist from the beginning  of sexual life 

the reasons

We know many possible causes of this type of sexual difficulties, for example, rare congenital diseases or hormonal problems such as testosterone deficiency, neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis or neuropathies related to diabetes, or some medications that can delay or even prevent ejaculation and orgasm, especially Antidepressants, psychotropic drugs, alcohol, and some medications, such as cannabis, can delay or prevent orgasm.

psychological reasons

There are always psychological reasons such as the high stakes and difficulty letting go of people who are under cerebral control where stress or anxiety can promote decreased arousal and of the course difficulty having little pleasure we note in some cases men say they enjoyed an orgasm but no sperm manifested outside

And in these cases the most likely explanation is what we call retrograde ejaculation, meaning that the sperm instead of being ejected outward by the penis rises to the bladder and this does not present any particular health problem on another hand it can be embarrassing when you have a project to have children in any way, in the case of retrograde ejaculation

Medical advice and advice To know if you are a man and you notice that you are having difficulties with ejaculation and your orgasm, you know that these problems are now known by doctors and that there are medical rules to manage them so I advise you can consult and appropriate solutions for your case, you can consult your doctor or specialist directly through Remote consulting If that is easier for you do not hesitate.

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